Dr Michelle Heys

Dr Michelle Heys is an Associate Professor of Global Child Health Systems Research and Policy, Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, University College London, UK and a Community Paediatrican looking after children and young people with cerebral palsy and learning disabilities in Newham, East London, Specialist Children’s and Young People’s Services, East London NHS Foundation Trust, UK.
Michelle researches into how health systems can improve outcomes for children and young people in low resource settings with current research projects in the UK, Nepal, India, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Australia. Her work focuses on priority populations: sick and small newborns in low resource health facilities, children and young people at risk of or with a diagnosis of complex neurodisability and/or neurodiversity, those living in temporary accommodation and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people. She leads a sustained programme of global child health systems research within which she has competed successfully and obtained 38 grants, 18 as a PI. Her total grant income is £15,485,259 (~£4 million of which as PI, 88% of PI grants are Wellcome trust/NIHR funded).