The PARROT Trial


The PARROT trial is currently recruiting. See below for the latest enrolment figures and other key information about the trial.

Recruitment chart

Recruitment target: 500

Current Expected :
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Current Actual :
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Trial Information

Primary Objective

This trial aims to find out whether 12-month’s treatment with an antibiotic called azithromycin reduces how often children with neurological impairment (NI) have to stay in hospital with chest infections.

Trial Design

The PARROT trial is a joint UK and Australia multicentre, randomised, double blind, placebo controlled pragmatic trial comparing 52 weeks of azithromycin to placebo in children with NI at risk of lower respiratory tract infection.

Trial Funder

In the UK, the PARROT trial is funded by the NIHR HTA programme (ref 16/17/01).

In Australia, the PARROT trial is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (MHMRC, ref 1157228, APP1149332).

Trial Sponsor

In the UK, the University of Liverpool is the Sponsor of this trial and are responsible for managing it.

In Australia, PARROT is Sponsored by Menzies School of Health Research.

Personal Data

The University of Liverpool, Menzies School of Health Research and Bangor University will be using information from medical records in order to undertake this trial and will act as the data controllers for this trial. This means that they are responsible for looking after information and using it properly.

Things to Know

We will present our findings at conferences, via plain language summaries using social media and through charity websites and stakeholder organisations such as ‘Together for Short Lives’ and ‘Cerebra’. We will also publish the results of this trial in medical journals.

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